Monday, August 22, 2011

Marriage 101

I normally don't do the whole "countdown" business. Who really wants to know that there are "X" amount of days until your birthday or until you're in college??


There are 12 days until A and I's wedding. And 4 days until we're "legally" married!!!!

And that's all I'm going to say about that, because I feel like 12 days isn't "facebook status" worthy, but 4 is.... ?????

While we're on the subject of getting married.... let me post a few questions that have entered into my brain recently.

Rachel's Marriage/Wedding Questions:

1. So, without fail, *something* will go wrong on my wedding day?

2. Is it normal to feel nervous about getting married? I mean, this is a lifetime commitment, and a commitment that requires a lot of maturity and responsibility -- so is it normal to feel this nervous about finally reaching this moment?

3. How do the newly weds decide on household chores? Is that something to talk about before or after the wedding?

4. What's the deal with lingerie? Is it just a honeymoon entity or something us brides should use on a regular basis? *side question: how often is "on a regular basis?"

5. Living together: Those little differences, I hear, are the ones that make a big problem. Should I just prepare myself that the toilet seat might always be up? That the toothpaste won't be squeezed from the bottom? Or that the bed won't be made? *And how do I prepare myself for those things?

6. Do I always have to watch what he's watching on TV? How often does the wife get the pick the channel?

7. One bathroom, 2 people.... is that going to be a problem?

8. After the honeymoon phase goes away --- what's next?


  1. #1. No---depends on how you choose to look at the possible negative things.
    #2. very normal...if you weren't nervous that would worry me that you don't see how serious a lifetime committment is.
    #3. a little late to talk about it before the wedding. but we sat down at some point and wrote out every single chore that needed to be done and then divied it up and which chores we hated the least being the one's we'd changes if one person stays home :)
    #4. seriously? your husband does not care really. as long as he's getting it :) but, is sure does make you feel sexy when you look sexy! lol you can never buy too much lingere and as far as a regular basis...defer to the mr. ha ha ha
    #5 prepare by expecting it. but also in the beginning when you are both trying to be considerate more often, those are the times to lovingly communicate what bothers you...but remember...don't sweat ALL the small stuff or you'll be dehydrated.
    #6 this is a toughy because I'm a complete remote control hog. completely selfish. don't like to give over any power and almost never like to watch what Shawn's watching....get 2 TV's...or just go without cable which we did for the first 5 years of marriage...problem solved.
    #7 yes
    #8 more of the honeymoon phase...and then babies. LOVE YA!!!!

  2. least once a week.
    Don't place much if any expectations on him. Then you won't be getting mad all of the time. It helps.
    #6- put on the lingere. He will let you watch whatever you want.:)
    One bathroom two people is just fun. Enjoy it.
    The honeymoon phase does not have to end. Keep it going. Don't worry. Focus on God first and it will all go smoothly. Love you! Blessings. Amy
