[insert picture of delicious food]
I say I made them, but I substituted a normal size tortilla for a burrito-sized one, and instead of cheddar cheese, I shredded provolone (in Mexico we call it Oaxaca) on top, and I seasoned the chicken with lemon pepper.
I've been a married woman for almost a month now.... cooking meals for 2.5 weeks, and tonight I got my first, "Oh yeah, honey.... this is super delicious."
I feel like putting up a gold star somewhere. But like an adult-version. Maybe a trip to Ross will be my "gold star." But, I'm sure the hubby will take that star right back upon checking the bank account afterwards....
Gotta love moments when the man REALLY likes what you cooked. Those are my favorite! Also, isn't Oaxaca in Mexico? We learned about it in class today!