Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Yummy Quesadillas

Made these tonight... and they were super delicious.

[insert picture of delicious food]


I say I made them, but I substituted a normal size tortilla for a burrito-sized one, and instead of cheddar cheese, I shredded provolone (in Mexico we call it Oaxaca) on top, and I seasoned the chicken with lemon pepper.

I've been a married woman for almost a month now.... cooking meals for 2.5 weeks, and tonight I got my first, "Oh yeah, honey.... this is super delicious."

I feel like putting up a gold star somewhere. But like an adult-version. Maybe a trip to Ross will be my "gold star." But, I'm sure the hubby will take that star right back upon checking the bank account afterwards....

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love moments when the man REALLY likes what you cooked. Those are my favorite! Also, isn't Oaxaca in Mexico? We learned about it in class today!
