Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gaby's Arrival

Well -- our little Miss Gaby Mae came into the world earlier than we expected! She has been a blessing to us so far. I want to record her birth story -- and also share with anyone who reads this.

Gaby was born on February 23rd, 2014. It was a Sunday.

Before we get to the Sunday part of the story -- we have to return to the Thursday before. I arrived at work feeling as normal as a pregnant woman should. I was hungry when I woke up -- eating 2  La Popular burritos (scratch that... it might have been three... no shame.) But by the time I got to my lunch hour -- I had lost my appetite and had a strange feeling in my abdomen area. I called my doctor, who recommended I get monitored at Labor & Delivery just in case. I remember not wanting to go -- because I had a dr. appointment scheduled for Tuesday. Her words were, "I would rather you go get checked, in case Tuesday is too late."

Art and I went... but, of course, after a few hours they sent me home, letting me know they were VERY light contractions and nothing to worry about. We went home -- and I felt so silly for wasting my time and the nurse's time. The following day, Friday, I went to work all as normal. Saturday, Art and I had plans to look for a more "family-type" car, and we made that purchase that day, spending the evening with good friends. I remember eating popcorn, skittles, and peanut M&M's for dinner, closing off the midnight hour with a bowl of cereal. (These two "snacks" were a favorite during my pregnancy.)

6:38am Sunday-- I remember waking up with slight cramps. I had ready somewhere online that cramps were normal during the final trimester, and these didn't really hurt. Almost like an upset tummy. So I walked around a bit, thinking I would get some extra time to get ready before Church at 9am.

When I lied back down, thinking I could take a quick nap, I started to notice the cramps had a certain pattern to them. They would come.... then go..... then come.... then go. At this point, I thought, "Surely not. But maybe... just maybe I should time these. It's probably nothing, but it would be fun to test it out." Keep in mind, Art is still asleep in bed.

I timed the next 15 minutes -- noticing the average "cramp" was coming every 4 minutes. Or 3.68 minutes -- according to the app. I didn't believe it. So I went another 15 minutes. Same thing. By this time, I woke Art up, just wanting to let him know I didn't feel well, and really hoped I would feel better by Church. He didn't believe me when I told him this was all nothing and probably just a fake contraction (like they had told us earlier that Thursday). I finally convinced him to let me rest until 8:30, until we had to get ready for Church. I remember putting on Friday Night Lights to pass the time.... and the cramps never went away. Just as I thought, "I don't think we're going to make it to Church," I picked up the phone to call L&D. They told me to count, and if the cramps came every 3-5 minutes, to come on in.

If you know me -- I didn't go right away. We put on one more episode of FNL. lol.

After 5 minutes -- while Art kept walking around the house frantic -- we left for the hospital because the pain was concerning. When we got there, they did everything they did on that Thursday before. I kept thinking, "How embarrassing." or "They must think I am so silly. Two visits in a week." And they sure did act that way to me. They weren't concerned much, almost as if this was going to be just like Thursday. When they hooked up the contraction monitor, the first words from the nurse were, "WHOA! Are you feeling that?" (Not to sound arrogant... but no, I actually hadn't feel that.) The following went like this:

(After the contraction)
NURSE: "I'm just going to check you real quick. It's normal."
Me: I hate this part....
NURSE (After checking me): You are at 80%, we are going to admit you. (walks out)
Me to ARCHIE: Remember they said they weren't going to stop labor at this point.... Does that mean Gaby is coming today?
ARCHIE: I don't know. Maybe we should ask so that we can call our parents...
ME: Nurse, you said I'm at 80%? Maybe this is silly, but do you think our baby is coming today?
NURSE: (with a serious face) Yes. Your baby will be here in less than 8 hours.

From this moment on -- everything was a whirlwind. I remember getting to the delivery room thinking how nice it was. I remember wanting Archie by my side, but instead he was on his phone texting EVERYONE WE KNOW. I remember walking around the halls grasping Art's shoulder harder and harder as each contraction came. I remember hating the monitors around my stomach, thinking THEY were the cause of my pain. I remember the HORRIBLE contractions after my water broke, and regretting my decision for demoral, as I had opted-out for an epidural. After the Demoral kicked in, I REALLY don't remember much else. Sleeping... waking up to pain, with mom and Art by my side. At one point, I remember being in the bathroom... falling asleep... ok, tmi....

Then my last few memories.... The heart monitor was beating really fast. My doctor tells me the baby's heartbeat is above 200. We will try naturally, but if not, we are going to have to go to a C-section. I DID NOT want that. So I tried to push. I tried and I tried, and maybe I tried too hard. BUt she wasn't coming.... and baby is in breech position. So after what felt like an eternity, I told them to get my baby out. Doesn't matter which way -- she was at-risk, and I wanted her to be healthy.

Gabriella Mae Vargas arrived at 4:48pm on that Sunday afternoon. She cried (and still does) like a little angel. We are so enthralled by her, and everyone she meets is put in a good mood when they see her. We are thankful to the Lord that he has given us this blessing, and pray that He will give us the wisdom and courage to raise her in the way of the Lord. We pray over her every day, asking God to give her a strong spirit, a loving heart, and the desire to serve Him all the days of her life, for the rest of her life.

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